Microsoft將公佈自家Windows 8 Tablet? | Tablet HK – 平板天下 Microsoft踏足Tablet市場,已經不是第一天的事,但一直以來都談不上成功。不久後推出的Windows RT,可算是Microsoft的捲土重來之作。最近,有傳聞指,Microsoft將會推出自家品牌的Windows Tablet。 推出自家品牌的硬件,的確不是Microsoft的作風,但 ...
The inside story of how Microsoft killed its Courier tablet | Microsoft - CNET News Steve Ballmer had a dilemma. He had two groups at Microsoft pursuing competing visions for tablet computers. One group, led by Xbox godfather J Allard, was pushing for a sleek, two-screen tablet called the Courier that users controlled with their finger o